Abingdon Goods - A shunting Free Roam

Requires the Victory Works 14xx from Steam.

Loosely based on the article 'The Abingdon Goods' by Chris Turner. GWR Journal 66 and featuring recollections by former Goods Guard Basil Ayers.

You are responsible for changing the points. Best to save progress often.

Your loco is the 14xx and your guard, who had signed on at the southern end of Hinksey Yard, has walked here to meet you.

Pull forward onto the outbound line then use the 57xx to pull 3 brown stores vans from the Engine Lifting Shop line so you can couple to them,
Run bunker first and take the vans to the end of Hinksey Up Reception where shunting staff are waiting.
As you are within station limits you do not need a guard's van. The guard will ride on the foot plate.

Use the Up Goods Lines to the signal gantry then cross to Hinksey North Up Goods Loop run to the end of the Reception line.

Leave your wagons in Siding 13, beside the Grange.

Couple to your train in Siding 16. This consists of:

2 grey vans for Sandford Cold Store rear siding.
1 fitted coal wagon for Radley siding 2
1 empty 5-plank wagon for Radley loading bank, Yard Loop 2.
2 grey vans for Abingdon Goods Shed
1 fitted coal and 1 grey van for Abingdon Brewery
2 unfitted coal for Abingdon Gas Works
1 empty 5-plank wagon for Abingdon dock line by the Goods Shed
3 unfitted coal wagons for Abingdon coal line

Take the Up Goods/Relief Lines to stop just passed Sandford Signal box.
Leave 2 grey vans in the back siding at Sandford Cold Store.
Collect the 2 brown vans on the return trip.
The Store was partly used by Cadburys

At Radley collect the grey van which has been dropped off for forwarding to Abingdon Goods Shed.
Exchange the empty coal wagon and the sheeted 5-plank wagon (sugar beet).
These are for Hinksey. You can take them to Abingdon or collect them on the return trip.
Your fireman must collect the single line token from the signal box.

At Abingdon exchange the empty coal wagons for 3 full ones.
On the dock line next to the Goods Shed, exchange the sheeted 5-plank wagon (sugar beet) for the empty one.
Extract the Gas Works empties and leave 2 unfitted full ones.

Midway through shunting you need to operate the Abingdon to Radley and back Autocoach service though there are rarely any passengers.

Exchange the vans and wagon at the mouth of the brewery private siding for the 1 grey van and 1 fitted coal.
On the Goods Shed line, exchange brown vans for 2 grey. These contained leather from the factory just before the station and loading was sometimes late.

Return to Radley stopping opposite the signal box so your fireman can give up the single line token.
Collect from Radley if not already done and 2 brown vans from the Cold Store.
Leave your wagons at the end of Hinksey Down Reception Line and continue back to Oxford Shed.

Some timings:
10.50am Leave Hinksey
12.20pm Arrive Abingdon
1.22pm Leave Abingdon with autocoach
1.56pm Leave Radley
4.15pm Leave Abingdon
5.20pm Arrive Hinksey